Mastering Unity 2D game Development
Book Description
Unity3D has long been seen as a massive 3D game-making middleware system, with lots of power and an easy-to-use editor. Now, with 2D games back in fashion, Unity has created a 2D toolset for developers with the know-how to create great games.
If you are looking for a book that will show you how to make a fully functional, customizable RPG game end to end, then this is the book for you. You will learn how to build an RPG game framework, learning lots of tips and tricks along the way, from advanced C# scripting to getting the most out of Unity's built in features such as Mecanim and curves in ways you may have not even considered.
By the end of this book, you will be able to architect, create, deploy, and integrate your game with all of your intended platforms, and have the knowledge to build and customize the Unity editor for the games you create with confidence. You will also be tooled with tricks from the trade on marketing, monetization, targeting as many platforms as possible, with a keen focus on how to best profit from your title.
What You Will Learn
- Explore the new features introduced in Unity3D 4.3 by building your own RPG game
- Delve into the new sprite importing and rendering system
- Master the best parts of the new Sprite animation system and improved Mecanim features
- Make the most of your rendering with tags, layers, sprite sorting, and ordering
- Dissect the proper use of Delegates, Events, and Messaging, including tips and tricks, and build a full RPG conversation system
- Do battle with Mecanim-based AI and state machines
- Build for success with tips on marketing, monetization, and deployment
- Drive home the platform of choice and expand into deployment/editor extensions
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